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Combined with strength training, anabolic steroids cause muscle growth in their user, leading some athletes to use them improperly to improve performance. One of the more well-known performance-enhancing steroids is the anabolic steroid known as Dianabol, first made famous by athletes like Lance Armstrong, now under investigation by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) for its links to cancer, AIDS, and other serious threats to public health. The DEA is investigating four former professional cyclists, among them Lance Armstrong, for their suspected use of Dianabol; Armstrong said he took the steroid when diagnosed with the cancer for which he tested positive in 1999. Armstrong says he used the drug because, as a professional cyclist, he was told to use it, which he has admitted, or risk death. However, another of Armstrong's former teammates, Floyd Landis, said Armstrong used the steroid because of his performance-enhancing drugs use at the 2004 Tour de France. In February, a six-year-old girl of Armstrong's acquaintance died of the disease, and Armstrong has admitted to taking the steroid to help him win the Tour. Lance Armstrong recently confessed to doping. A 6-year-old girl died of the cancer after Armstrong was told to take it for recovery from a bicycle accident. It's a sad thing to hear. One other note: The doping was carried through long years of doping, but it did not begin until 2003 when Lance Armstrong retired and began using a different doping protocol. I also want to look at what the other drugs the cyclists were taking: blood transfusions, blood products (called EPO and testosterone replacement), corticosteroids; and blood transfusion was more prominent. All of these supplements are known to cause problems. The use of blood transfusions is a pretty simple one; the blood transfusion, or blood collection, is simply what happens when blood doesn't come. Blood comes in, is collected into tubes, where it is taken away from the donor's circulatory system to be replaced by others. It is then pumped out of the system, with the exception of "platelet donors" who must be given a blood-clotting agent before they will be ready to donate to the patient, in much less time. The problem in using blood transfusion is the potential to have problems. This may include problems from being dehydrated, being blood thirsty in case of complications, or from anemia. If this happens the patient may never recover. One of the risks with blood transfusion is the risk that blood or tissue may be damaged in the process. This could happen while an IV line is Related Article: